Thursday 19 April 2012


We looked at different Digipak templates and found the one below on Google images:

When researching Digipaks, we found several conventions that we thought were important:  

  • There is usually a continuous theme that runs throughout. This is usually done through colours, fonts and people.
  • The Front Cover usually has a photograph of the artist to represent the album. The photo usually takes up a large proportion of the panel. 
  • The Front Cover is where the album title and artists name is clearly displayed.
  • The Back Cover is where the songs contained are the album are displayed as well as the bar code.
  • The Inside Panels is where the CD is as well as other inside panels which usually display other photographs of the artist, images of people of objects that relate to the album, lyrics.
  • The Inside Panels usually continue the ongoing theme that occurs in the DigiPak.
  • The CD cover is usually quite simplistic and usually contains either the artists name or the album name, if not both.

Digipak plan:

The Finished DigiPak:

It consists of:

The Album Cover:

The Back Cover:

The CD Cover:

And the three Inner Panels:


 This is the original photograph of Me. One main difference is that here, my hair is dark blonde and not the brown as it is on the album cover and in the music video. This was a good choice of photograph as it is fun and exciting and it plays to the ideologies of our target audience.
Amber edited this image, changing the colour of my hair gradually and upped the contrast of the surroundings. She also edited this in order to make my eyes stand out more by brightening the blue and by darkening my make up. 

She used an effect called Panograph-ish on Picnik (online photo editor) to create the effect seen in my final edit. Lastly she also added the word "Bounce" in various colours to relate to the rest of the DigiPak and the CD cover.

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