Thursday 19 April 2012

Magazine Album Advertisement - Digipak

 For our media courswork we had to make a promotional package for the release of the album, along with two of the following:
.A website homepage for the band
.A digipak for the album's release
.A magazine advertisement for the digipak.
We chose to do the last two, our research, production and finished product for the magazine advert are shown below:

 Magazine CD Advertisement - Digipak

Beyonce's advertisement uses the image used on the album cover so that people will recognise this in store. it uses an interesting and sexy image to get across the feel of the album. as beyonce is a well known artist her name is in bold and white letters so that is stands out but is not a highlighted part of the advert as the target market for the CD will already be aware from the picture. the release date of the CD is in large bold white lettering against a black background, this brings the focus mainly to the writting, as beyonce already has a massive fan base, the release date is the most important part of the advert as people will make sure to take note of this. the album cover uses simple colours in order to maintian the focus on the release date of the album.

This advertisement is for one of Lady Gaga's first albums. it uses a picture of her with the signature lightening boult over her eye so that she is recognisable even to those not fully aware of her music at the time. the background is kept black which draws the focus onto Lady Gaga's appearance which is fun and bright, grabbing the audiences attention. 'GAGA' is written down the side in yellow lettering which matches the theme of the advert and notifies everyone of the new artist. the advert coes with a free taster CD of a song from her album, as she was a relatively new artust, this allows people who are not fans to listen to one of the most popular songs, put there to pursuade more to buy the album to listen to her other tracks. the CD is in plane colours so highlight her name on the front in black and also has her signature lightening boult on the front, for the audience to make the connection. lastly, in the botton left corner is a picture of the photo on her album cover, this will help to notify people of what they are looking for when it comes into stores

This advert for Katy Perry's first album "One Of The Boys" includes a photograph of her which covers the page. The album cover shown on the right also uses photos in a similar location, making the connection between the two. The photograph on the advert shows her in a domestic garden setting including a paddling pool and rubber ducks, this represents Katy Perry as a quirky and fun person which is then reflects in her music and music videos. The fonts used for her name are the same in both the album cover and the advertisement. All other text is in white so that the important information stands out against the background. It includes her first number one song advertised on the front (the unique selling point for the album) so the audience can make a connection between her album and the song. By having the date it is released, buyers will know when it will be available, enabling them to take note for future reference.

Madonna's advertisment also features the picture used for her album cover so that is is easily recognised. the picture has been edited so that is high high saturation so that the colours stand out and is made up of smaller images of her inside a larger image. these are images frmo all different stages of Madonna's career and is vibrant and interesting, which catches peoples attention. there are then white strippes at the bottom with black writting saying important information such as the release date and what it contains, putting it on to a white backgrounds makes the writting stand out and easier to read but it does not take the focus away from the image and the large bold name at the top which is done in the same style. it is simple and to the point but is also interesting to look at.

This advert for Gwen Stefani's Album is typical of a magazine advert for an album since it includes many of the conventions that are often used. The main focus is the photograph in the centre of the advert. Her name shows the sophistication of the album as it is in large gold lettering, but is simplified as it is surrounded by similar colouring. The text below the artist name is the album name followed by two of her most popular songs on the album (highlighting its selling point). The background of the image has been manipulated in order to make the overall appearance more interesting rather then Gwen just posing on a throne, it also help to maintain the focus on the woman and not the overall picture. This also enhances the abstract appearance, this again pulls together the advert and album. It also contains a smaller photograph of her album in the left hand corner, the similarity of image use and colour helps to make the connection and get the album artwork available to the audience so that they will recognise more easily in shops. By including the "Target" logo, it displays the availability of outlets that the audience can buy the album from.

Magazine advert plan:


using some of the above conventions i have planned out my magazine advert. i have decided to have a picture of me in the middle as i am the main focus of the music video, this way it will be easily relatable. i also think that there should be a large focus on the name of the song that is being released similarly to the names of madonna and Gwen Stefani on their adverts. this will ensure that the audience imediately knows what they are looking at. I think that the background should re relatively simple or blurred out as in Lady Gaga's or Gwen Stefani's as this will add more focus on to the relevant information. All writing will be in the same fonts and the same as the album cover in order for people to make that connection. The makers of the song (Calvin Harris and Kelis) sound be in big writting and bold so that they stand out, but not so much as to take the focus off the image and the title. the release data will be visibly in the bottom corner so that people know when it is available and should be next to an image of the album cover itself so that potential buyers will know what to look for. Having logo's of HMV and Itunes in the bottom corner under the album cover will also help with selling the album as people will also know where it will be available for them to purchase, these are the most popular methods of the public buying albums and so will help to advertise.Several colours should be used in the writting, against a plane background as this will match the feel of the music video itself and will give people an idea of what they are buying into as it is an energetic song and this will help to portray the feel of the music.

Finished Magazine Advert:

Above is the finished advertisment we created for the album. the brightly, multi-colored writting is on a white background which makes the lettering stand out more. it is also all pointing at different angles and is slightly 'messy' which also matches that in the music video. The picture in the middle was used and edited as such becuase it shows the crazy disjointed feel that we tried to create in the video. All of the text is in the same font as explained above and the title is in bigger letters so that this is more in focus when looking at the advertisement. having the album cover on a dark background means that is stands out against the white of the advert and takes most of the attention when looking at the advert, this was not what was planned but has worked effectively as people's attention is more likely to be drawn to this and so they will be more aware of what to look for.



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