Friday 16 March 2012

Effects And Ideas

I was off ill for one lesson and so was unable to come into the media lessons. In those lessons Amber took screen shots of different effects in various music videos that we want to do similar versions of. below are the screen shots and our ideas of what effects and techniques we would like to use:

The picture above is from 'Sexy Chick', the effect shown is of lipstick over a mirror and the camera angling as to see the writing and to see the man through the mirror in his reflection. we would like to use this effect in our media work as it is a fun and effective way of showing there has been a party, also it is a creative way of having writing in the video other than that imposed on top of the image.

Above are stills from 'Who's that chick', they all show different types of text added to the video. we would also like to use a similar method, writing some of the lyrics in different fonts and styles over the top of the video when they are said. Above they have used several different fonts, styles, colours and have put them in different places around the screen, however, they still manage to stick to a theme which we would like to do

These snap shots from 'Super Bass' and are examples of the different camera angles we want to use. we thought in order to create an effective music video we should include several different camera angles as seen in most music videos, as otherwise it would look to dull. also have a wide variation will give our recordings the 'messiness' that it needs in order for our ideas of what we want to portray to be effective.

At home I wrote up a permission slip for people to sign if they do not mind being part of our recordings. A picture of this form is shown below

[ consent form ]

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