Friday 9 March 2012

The Party Scene

December 2011

On the 8th of December was the 6th form social. Unfortunately we where not as organized as predicted and neither of us had the clip in order to attack the camera to the tripod, this meant all recordings had to be done by hand. We decided that in order to make this work and to distinguish better between the party and other scenes, we could make the footage quite blurry, by doing so the hand help jolted footage would look more authentic and realistic, as if someone at the party was holding the camera themselves. This worked to our advantage as it adds a messiness to the scene as well as showing a contrast in effects between the party and the other scenes which will be recorded outside of the party.

In our first lesson after the social me and amber went through what we had which only came to 9 minutes in total. In our second lesson, as we was unable to get everyone’s signature at the social (due to drunken people and various other problems) we have sent an email to everyone in the foreground of the footage saying that if they do not mind to contact us back and if they wish to see the footage to come to the media room on Monday at lunchtime. I decided to edit the footage separately to amber as I had some ideas that I can have a go at without messing with the actual editing so far.

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