Friday 9 March 2012


To begine with we chose all of the footage that we thought would work well in our music video and moved it onto our project, after this we went through putting it all in the order we thought would best tell the story. In the begining we decided to make several stills of me in the bath, asleep, in different positions and used a bluring effect in the stransactions between them to show the passing of time.
next we edited in a overhead shot of me standing up and walking out of the door, then across the hall and into the room where i collapsed onto the bed, we decided to match me sitting up shocked at the word bounce on the mirror to the work bounce being said in the music. we found that in order to do this we had to cut some footage out and so we made the parts of me stumbling out of the bathroom quicker to make it look more frantic (also helping with the timing) and we also cut out the section of me walking across the hall as it was not necessary.
With me in the same possition of me sat on the bed we added in a high angled shot and with the camera in the same possition throughout, filmed the room without me in it and then the room empty, to show the transaction between these we used various ripple effects. i then walk back into the room and begine to drink walking around the room, to edit this we deleted the sections between me being in different possitions so that it jumps from me drinking in one place to another. we thought this was effective as it puts more emphasis on how much i am drinking.
next there are several angles of me getting ready, which we cut to make shorter and sped up as it is a relevant part of the video but would be incredibly boring to watch at normal speed. after this i have to change into my costume, in order to show as little as possible and take the main focus off of me getting changed, we sped up the section of me (facing away from the camera) taking the dressing gown off and replacing it with the top half of my clothes, this then put more focus on the fact that i then picked up a bottle before leaving the room as this is the moment the footage slowed down again. we matched the door closing with the main chorus of the song coming in, we did this by making different sections quicker and slower and cutting parts out, untill it was perfect.
We then edited in footage from the social, this included different shots of dancing and lights which we edited by turning the contrast and saturation up and the lighting and exposure down, this made the colours tand out more and made things look darker and more hectic. Amber then found a scrap book effect which would be perfect for our footage as it has bright contrasting colours, we then used this in the transactions between different shots of the paty, the nature of the effect is that it zooms out of one picture and across into another, when it zooms out is has up to five smaller picture holes with different stills from throughout the video.
The chorus beat then repeats itself again and as more party footage would get boring quickly we deciede to edit in our bottles, editing them so that it looks like they move from one place to another on their own. we then decided that as the background is all white it looks a little boring and out software does not enable us to change the colour of the background. Fortunately, we found out how to put coloured filters over the pictures and so made each shot of the bottles moving a different colour of filter to make it look more interesting.
We have had some problems with the scrapbook as where it zooms out and shows the other smaller picture holes, the stills had dissapeared and had just turned white, we are unable to get them to go back to how they where before, as every time they are changed they revert back, on the other hand, previously we where unable to figure out how to add a picture to the scrapbook title page and it just had a blank grey box, amber has figured out how to do so and we have gone through pictures to choose the best one. Lastly on this, i had the idea of titling the project 'A "Bounce" Production'.
Before the holidays we continued to edit our chosen footage. after 
When coming back after the easter holidays we have been putting the final touches to our project. as you would expect, a lot as managed to go wrong and we are working on copying and pasting the footage into a new video project as we have discovered this is the only way to make the effects work again. Because of this we are behind on our video compared to other groups.
We have also sat down and finished editing the rest of the video addting in randon images of me blowing bubbles and dancing around the room, these add a little fun and variation to the video so that it does not get tedious to watch and it is not continualy one thing for to long.

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