Thursday 8 March 2012

The 'After' Scenes Plus New Ideas

January 2012

After the Christmas holidays we had picked out all of the footage from the social that would be useful to us and we began to film what will be the beginning and the end of the film. we started off by collecting the props for the scenes. we gather together three empty crates and several empty bottles, also amber brought streamers, party poppers, glitter, bubbles and balloons and i contributed the fabric to make the room look messier and more colorful.

When beginning to film we decided to start off in the bath, covered in balloons waking up after a night out. in this scene i had to wake up, looking around, crawl out of the bath and stubble across the hall into my bedroom. when in the bedroom which had previously been covered in streamers, balloons and bottles etc. i picked a bottle up from the side and collapsed face first on my bed, i then slowly rolled over and abruptly sat up when seeing the word 'Bounce' written on my mirror, later this would be matched to the work 'Bounce' in the song.

We decided to film this all from different angles, to begin with in the bathroom the camera started of at mid height and got higher to an almost birds eye view as i sit up to get out of the bath, after this the camera changes so that is it high up in the corner of the room to watch me leave, the camera then watches me walk across the hallway from behind. when inside the bedroom we thought it would look better to have the camera looking at me through the mirror. the camera was positioned so that once i collapsed onto the bed you could see this through the mirror with bounce on it. after this it changes again to a high positioned shot as to see the whole room, we then filmed the room without me in the shot and the room from the same angle when it is all cleaned up. At this point we could not film me getting ready for the night out as it was already to dark and it needed to be light when i come in to get ready to leave and gradually get darker as i do leave, this way at the end we could use the same shots of me in the in the morning and it would look like a continuous loop.

The other parts that we filmed on this day was the moving bottles and the paper scrunching up. we are going to try to incorporate these somewhere in the middle of the film. Also we did not have to props to do the strange scene in the middle so it had not yet been filmed.

In out next lesson we began to edit the footage and decided that we could have several stills of me sleeping differently in the bath at the beginning with different fades in the middle, we chose the ........ fade as the blurring out and in makes it look like it is changing to different periods of time throughout when I'm sleeping.after this we had to speed up the parts of me getting up and going into the room otherwise the 'Bounce' did not match with me sitting up in my bed, however, it looked better this way as there way not much happening and it was lasting to long that we thought viewers would have got bored waiting for something to happen. After editing this section we thought it would look better to add the ......... effect over the beginning stills as it puts a fine cloud around the edge of each image and gives it a dream like effect which fits in with the purpose of the stills.

The paper idea did not work out so well and we have decided to re-film it at a later date and as with the bottles we put them in time to the music and decided that as we could not have different colored liquid in the green bottles we would put different colored filters over the top so that they look more interesting.  

In February we have decided to film other people lip sinking to the music as well as the bizarre scene, the paper scene and the in-between scenes of me coming in and getting ready to leave.

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