Friday 9 March 2012

The 'Bounce' Idea

Bounce - Calvin Harris ft. Kelis

25th November – 2nd December

From the start of the school year on the 7th of September we began watching horror film. We did this for two weeks and then discovered that we could choose to do a music video. I decided I would rather do this and so did Amber Knight and so we formed a pair. We had studied horror films all September but when watching previous coursework on music videos we had both decided we would be able to do this more effectively. We began watching and studying music videos from the 5th of October up to the 19th. After this on the 19th and 21st of October we began jotting down some ideas and effects that would be good to use in a music video such as having blurred lights and using rewind in sections of the film.

On the 4th of November I came up with the idea to do ‘Bounce’ by Calvin Harris. We sat down and began to story board this idea on the 9th and 11th of November. We decided that we would do something slightly bizarre in the middle of different parts of the video to make it interesting and surreal. Because of this we decided to do two storyboards. One would be the story line that runs through the video, which we had already planned, and the other would be a list of random bits to be added in throughout. We started planning these on the 16th and the 18th of November.

For the main story we decided to have a Girl (me) waking up from a night out. On the first lyric of ‘bounce’ she sits up abruptly and begins to look around the room. On the second ‘bounce’ the camera zooms in on the word bounce written in lipstick on a mirror, we thought for this bit we could try to change the blur so it changes from the lipstick to the girl. On the third and last 'Bounce' it zooms in on the girls face lip sinking the words. After this we decided we could do two different ‘scenes’ mixed in to one. By this I mean that we will film parts of her getting read and film her singing the lyrics. When editing we will mix these together. Next will be a shot of closing the door and walking down the street, after this we will film outside the club. We will try to edit these together so it looks like a smooth transaction of places. Next we decided to film various shots inside the place, such as from on the stage, moving in-between the crowd, from the floor filming upwards and people’s feet and we will hopefully be able to do a bird’s eye view. The last thing on the main storyboard we have decided so far is that the music video will end on the beginning of the film like ‘sexy chick’ By Akon.

On the second storyboard we began on the 16th of November, we wrote down parts we could put in that weren’t included in the story line. We started off by coming up with an idea that had no relevance to the story line that was strange and could be added in the middle of the party scene as otherwise this would get boring. We came up with a strange idea of the girl dressed in strange clothes, which we are undecided about as of yet. We would have her sitting outside drinking a cup of tea with an umbrella up even though it is not raining, bouncy balls would then falls from the sky, the girl being completely unresponsive to this. Other parts we could add of the same nature would be just having the girl in the same clothes spinning around in a field or riding a bike, we some of the over obscure ideas we thought we could use. The second storyboard also included parts that could be added in to the other scenes. When in the bedroom in the first shot we could fill the surrounding alcohol bottles with food coloured water, we would keep freezing the camera and pouring different amounts in and out of the bottles, when editing we would then change these to fit the beat of the song. A second idea similar to this was to slowly scrunch up a piece of paper freezing and un-freezing the camera, in the end the paper opens with the word ‘Bounce” written inside. Lyrics repeat throughout the song, we decided that on one of these we would have different people saying each line.

[picture of story boards]

In November we also wrote a list of props we will need for both storyboards. This is as follows.
• Bouncy balls
• Streamers
• Party poppers
• Bubbles
• Empty alcohol bottles
• Fabric (to cover the walls of the bedroom in bright colours)
• And costumes which are still undecided

Also on the 23rd we finalized an idea to use the 6th form social event as our club and had to find out what we would need to do to gain permission to film there. We went to talk to the head of 6th form and he said he would write a letter to the country ground confirming that they had no problem with this although he said it would probably be fine, however, he did mention that we would need a written consent from everyone included even in the background of the filming. There was two ways we could go about this. We could wait until after filming and go around to everyone separately asking for permission or we could stand on the door asking people to sight a document we will write out before they enter. We decided to go with the second option but we will watch the footage after and if anyone is missed out we will have to go and find him or her

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